Draw results

Basic usage

All drawing commands start with a d. The d-commands will first invoke a s-command (search) to get the results and generate a graph afterwards. You can specify different output formats (by -f) which best fit to your needs. A required output file name (-o) also has to be specified.


Don’t miss the screenshots.


The layout styles are available via a config file (–config). If you don’t specify any config file then the default one will be used: smalisca/data/config/config.conf.

Available commands


[D]raws [c]lass graphs. Similar to the sc command you can search for classes by specifying the column type (-c) and a pattern (-p). General usage:

smalisca>dc --help
usage: dc [-h] [-c SEARCH_TYPE] [-p SEARCH_PATTERN]
          [-f {dot,xdot,png,pdf,jpg,svg}]
          [--prog {dot,neato,circo,twopi,fdp,sfdp,nop}] [--args OUTPUT_ARGS]
          -o OUTPUT

>> Draw class graphs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c SEARCH_TYPE        Specify column.
                        Type ? for list
  -p SEARCH_PATTERN     Specify search pattern
  -f {dot,xdot,png,pdf,jpg,svg}
                        Output format
                        Default: dot
  --prog {dot,neato,circo,twopi,fdp,sfdp,nop}
                        Graphviz layout method
                        Default: dot
  --args OUTPUT_ARGS    Additional graphviz arguments
  -o OUTPUT             Specify output file


smalisca>dc -c class_name -p com/gmail/xservices -f dot -o /tmp/calls.dot
:: INFO       Wrote results to /tmp/calls.dot

You can of course use other output formats:

smalisca>dc -c class_name -p com/gmail/xservices -f png -o /tmp/calls.png
:: INFO       Wrote results to /tmp/calls.png

Or a different graphviz engine:

smalisca>dc -c class_name -p com/gmail/xservices -f png --prog fdp -o /tmp/calls.png
:: INFO       Wrote results to /tmp/calls.png


[D]raws calls [cl]. Similar to the scl command you can search for calls by specifiny the calling method/class and/or the destinated method/class. General usage:

smalisca>dcl --help
usage: dcl [-h] [-fc FROM_CLASS] [-fm FROM_METHOD] [-tc TO_CLASS]
           [-tm TO_METHOD] [-fa LOCAL_ARGS] [-ta DEST_ARGS]
           [-f {dot,xdot,png,pdf,jpg,svg}]
           [--prog {dot,neato,circo,twopi,fdp,sfdp,nop}] [--args OUTPUT_ARGS]
           -o OUTPUT

>> Draw calls graphs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -fc FROM_CLASS        Specify calling class (from)
  -fm FROM_METHOD       Specify calling method (from)
  -tc TO_CLASS          Specify destination class (to)
  -tm TO_METHOD         Specify destination method (to)
  -fa LOCAL_ARGS        Local arguments (from)
  -ta DEST_ARGS         Destination arguments (to)
  -f {dot,xdot,png,pdf,jpg,svg}
                        Output format
                        Default: dot
  --prog {dot,neato,circo,twopi,fdp,sfdp,nop}
                        Graphviz layout method
                        Default: dot
  --args OUTPUT_ARGS    Additional graphviz arguments
  -o OUTPUT             Specify output file

Let’s have a look at some examples:

smalisca>dcl -fc gmail -tm create -f pdf --prog fdp -o /tmp/smalisca/calls.pdf
:: INFO       Wrote results to /tmp/smalisca/calls.pdf


[D]raws cross [x] calls [cl]. Similar to the sxcl command you can search for cross-calls by specifying class name and/or method name. General usage:

smalisca>dxcl --help
usage: dcxl [-h] [-c CLASS_NAME] [-m METHOD_NAME] -d {to,from}
            [--max-depth [XREF_DEPTH]] [-f {dot,xdot,png,pdf,jpg,svg}]
            [--prog {dot,neato,circo,twopi,fdp,sfdp,nop}] [--args OUTPUT_ARGS]
            -o OUTPUT

>> Draw cross-calls graphs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CLASS_NAME         Specify class name
  -m METHOD_NAME        Specify method name
  -d {to,from}          Cros-reference direction
  --max-depth [XREF_DEPTH]
                        Cross-References max depth
                        Default: 1
  -f {dot,xdot,png,pdf,jpg,svg}
                        Output format
                        Default: dot
  --prog {dot,neato,circo,twopi,fdp,sfdp,nop}
                        Graphviz layout method
                        Default: dot
  --args OUTPUT_ARGS    Additional graphviz arguments
  -o OUTPUT             Specify output file

Let’s have a look at some examples:

smalisca>dxcl -c gmail/xlibs -d to --max-depth 1 -f pdf --prog dot -o /tmp/smalisca/xcalls.pdf
:: INFO       Namespace(to_class='gmail/xlibs')
:: INFO       Wrote results to /tmp/smalisca/xcalls.pdf

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